Stigmatization of Papuans: A Brief Critical Description

By: Honaratus Pigai (*

Stigmatization of Papuans is a form of discrimination that involves marginalization and negative labeling of certain ethnic groups. In Indonesia, Papuans are often perceived negatively with stereotypes such as "backward," "stupid," "rude," or even "separatist" and "troublemakers." This stigmatization reflects social injustice and contains deep moral and philosophical issues related to recognition, humanity, and justice.
Philosophically, the stigmatization of Papuans can be seen through the lens of existentialist philosophy, especially the concept of dehumanization. Frantz Fanon, a philosopher and psychiatrist who analyzed the impact of colonialism, argued that dehumanization is a process in which individuals or groups lose recognition of their humanity. The dominant society often considers Papuans inferior, so they are reduced to "the Other," who is considered unequal. This results in social and political exclusion and justifies state-legitimate violence.
In addition, stigmatization also undermines the principles of justice promoted by philosophers such as John Rawls. In his theory of 'Justice as Fairness,' Rawls emphasizes the importance of equal opportunities for all individuals. However, the social stigma attached to Papuans severely limits their access to fundamental rights such as education, health, economic opportunities, etc. The absence of distributive justice constructs structural inequality that places Papuans in a marginal position in Indonesian society, a situation that is deeply unjust and needs to be rectified.
The concept of recognition raised by philosopher Charles Taylor is also relevant in analyzing this stigmatization. According to Taylor, recognizing the identity and dignity of individuals or groups is essential to creating equal relationships. In the context of Papua, ongoing stigmatization denies recognition of Papuans' cultural identity and political rights. Papuans are often seen not as individuals entitled to their rights but as a group that must be regulated and controlled. This denial of recognition creates alienation and perpetuates the cycle of injustice.
From a power perspective, Michel Foucault highlights that stigmatization often functions as a control mechanism. The state uses its power to create a narrative that stigmatizes Papuans as a threat to national unity, using violence and repression to maintain dominance. The separatist label that is often attached to them is not only an attempt to discredit Papuan political movements but also to shape public opinion that supports the use of state violence against them. Through this stigma construction, the state creates moral justification for its repressive actions while simultaneously narrowing the space for peaceful resistance and aspirations for independence.
From a moral perspective, the stigmatization of Papuans is a blatant violation of the basic principle of respect for human dignity. In his theory of ethics, Immanuel Kant emphasized that every human being has intrinsic value that must be respected. The stigma that reduces Papuans to mere objects of power and discrimination is a direct assault on this principle. A society that treats Papuans with a negative stigma not only discriminates against them but also strips them of their dignity as free and autonomous human beings, a fact that should outrage us all.
Therefore, the stigmatization of Papuans is not just a social problem but also a philosophical issue involving the essence of humanity, justice, and recognition. In this context, it is essential to formulate an approach that emphasizes full recognition of the identity and rights of Papuans and eliminates all forms of stigma that prevent them from equal participation in social, political, and economic life. A paradigm shift is crucial to overcome this stigmatization: from a discriminatory approach to one that respects the dignity and human rights of every human being, without exception. 


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